How Do I Spend Time With God?

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When I first started my journey with God, I was clueless on how to spend time with God. I wondered what I was required to do and how I was to do it. I was afraid of not doing it right and having God be mad at me. I don’t know about you but the last thing I want is for God to be mad at me. Spending time with God felt like a chore because I thought I had to follow a set of rules or structure. I became frustrated because I didn’t feel like myself in His presence. I was following someone else’s structure that didn’t match my personality.

As my journey with the Lord progressed, I began asking Him to show me how He wants me to spend time with Him. I figured who best to ask but the One Whom I’m spending time with. It’s the same way we would ask our friend whom we plan on spending some time with what they would like us to do when we get together. We have to remember that God is not only our Father; He is a friend as well and just wants a real relationship with us.

As I pressed on and asked Him, He showed me that all He requires for me was to be myself in His presence. He showed me that I don’t have to follow any set rules that someone else says to follow. The only requirement is that I come as myself and to be free and transparent with Him. The same way no one can tell you how to spend time with your earthly parents, children, or friends, it’s the same way no one can tell you how to spend time with God.

When I got that revelation, my time with God became enjoyable. I no longer try to follow someone else’s structure. God just wants us to be ourselves; all He requires is that we come with an open heart. He is not concerned how or what we do in His presence. Just be yourself. Now, I enjoy time in His presence. Time just flies by now, and it feels like no amount of time whether short or long is enough. I actually look forward to my time with God. The night before, I get so excited and can’t wait till morning so I can go to our secret place which just happens to be my closet. I find myself anticipating and wondering what God is going to speak to me during our time together, and I can hardly wait. I wonder what revelation He will give to me; I wonder what He is going to say, how He is going to say it, and at what point during our time together will He say it.

So you ask, what do I do in His presence?

In His presence sometimes I start off with prayer or singing. Then I may jump into dancing or reading a devotional. Sometimes I may even start off with a devotional or bible scripture reading first, and then transition into singing and worship. Sometimes I just sit quietly in His presence while the music plays in the background. You see, it’s totally up to you how you choose to spend your time with God

There is no set rule on how you have to do it. Try different things and see what works best for you. Free yourself from the mentality that you have to follow a certain style. However, if you still feel like you need help to jumpstart your routine, no worries, check out my post on 6 quick step by step guides on spending time with God and start enjoying your one on one time with Him.

Remember, keep your hope in God for He loves you and has promised to never leave you nor forsake you!

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Posted by Enna

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  1. Image

    I like the part where you said you don't have to follow someone else's structure. I sometimes don't have a path and have asked others their take so I can mimic. I will try to incorporate somethings I like from others as wwhat works for me. Nothing's is perfected but as long as you wholeheartedly want to build your relationship with God, that's all that matters.

    • Image

      You got it! The key is an honest heartfelt desire to build a relationship with Him; the rest is up to you how you want to spend that time with Him.

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