Faith, Failure and Fear

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Have you noticed that whenever you want to take a step forward be it in your business, career or personal life you hesitate? You hesitate not because you aren’t sure of the step you want to take but because you are scared of the outcome. The thought of whether you will succeed or fail is what drives you to move. If you think you will fail then you don’t try at all, but if you are guaranteed full success you go ahead.

When Christ called us, he never said here is the completed book on your life. He says in Jerimiah 29:11

“I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.”

When my daughter first started to walk, she fell down so many times. As parents we couldn’t tell her to give up just because she failed a lot of times. No! we knew she needed to learn to walk. I still remember her taking 2 steps and falling on her butt. We yelled like crazy! We were so excited. At first, she was scared because we were yelling like crazy people. But when she realized that we were rooting for her she started smiling and taking more and more steps. After a while we stopped yelling so hard and she kept taking steps.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them, Eph 2:10.
If our lives have already been predestined why do we fear failure?

Failure is a normal occurrence when you start doing something you have never done before. Failure isn’t a bad thing. It means you are moving away from your comfort zone. Staying in the same place because you are afraid doesn't help you grow. Don’t let the fear of the outcome stop you from working towards your desired outcome. When you fail you get better, you pivot and try something new, you work out your imagination muscles and get better and better until you finally succeed.

A healthy amount of fear is good for the soul. The bible says “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom”. I interpret this to mean that the fear of knowing who God is and what he is capable of makes me tremble in his presence and I begin to understand him more.

As I write this, I’m thinking of all the times I let the fear of failing stop me from jumping ahead and experiencing new things.

Like the song from Francesca Battistelli; Fear, you don't own me there ain't no room in this story And I ain't got time for you telling me what I'm not Like you know me well guess what? I know who I am I know I'm strong and I am free got my own identity So fear, you will never be welcome here

This is my stand Today!

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Posted by Lola

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  1. Image

    I actually made a decision 2 days ago that I was agonizing for a week about because of the fear that it won't work out. Nice that I am not the only one that feels the fear

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