Top Essentials For Your Christian Walk

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Looking to revamp your quiet time with the Lord; to make it more fun and exciting and colorful? Well today, I am sharing a couple of the things I use during my quiet time, but not only that, I am also sharing some of the essentials we all need as we travel along this journey with the Lord.

Some of the things mentioned here, if are not part of your faith walk, doesn’t make or break you as a Christian. These are my personal suggestions as I have noticed they have been very vital and essential, helping me navigate my journey with God.

Ok now that we have that out of the way, let’s dive in to these top essentials for your Christian walk.

Top Essentials For Your Quiet Time

  1. A Bible
    You would of course need a bible in the translated version that you prefer. I love the New Living Translation (NLT) version the best; however, I have three different bible versions just because I love to compare the different versions. I also prefer the good old-fashioned bible instead of using my bible app so I can make notes on the margins; highlight what I want to stand out e.t.c.

  2. Devotionals
    Devotionals are great tools to help usher you into your bible study because not only do they include some bible scriptures, but the author also includes their personal revelations and insights into the Word of God. There are a ton of devotionals out there in hard copy but also on the bible apps. These devotionals cover a variety of topics that may be relevant to any season you are in. You can also get my 14-Days Devotional: Hope In Hopeless Situations here as a free download. I wrote this devotional in a season of my life when I found myself in a seemingly hopeless situation but Jesus met me there and rescued me.

    Other favorites of mine include Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, which I used in the entire year 2020; New Day New You, 366 Devotions For Enjoying Everyday Life by Joyce Meyer; and also my new favorite, 31 days to Arise Recover and Reign - A Devotional Journal by SeunArise.

  3. Journals
    I used to struggle with what I am to write in my journals. If you are having the same issue and you are wondering what to include on your journals, I have got answers for you. I write down the things I'm learning from my time in God’s presence. You can also write down scriptures that resonated with you during your quiet time or scriptures you want to memorize or pray over yourself and meditate over. Your thoughts are another thing you can journal about, as well as prayers.

    I have several different journals that serve different purpose. I have the journals that I write down random thoughts and quotes. I also have one specifically for ideas and content creation for our social media platforms where we share bite size messages from the bible. I also have one for taking down sermon notes and another that serves as my gratitude/prayer journal and yet another specifically dedicated to writing down my dreams from the night. You absolutely do not need as many journals as I have but I do highly suggest that you at least get one where you can write down the revelations the Lord gives you as well as the things He speaks over you, promises He made to you, and any instruction He gives to you. That way, you can always refer back to it at any point in time.

  4. Bible Commentaries
    Commentaries gives you an in depth explanation of a passage of scripture. It may explain the language used in the passage, give you the context of the passage, and also the historical background of the text. With just a Google search away, you will have several options to choose from. I personally one free version from the Logos bible app as well as from Bible Study Tools app on my phone. Yes you do not necessarily need one, but I strongly recommend that you get one.

  5. Sticky Notes, Pens, Markers, Highlighters
    These you can use to highlight and take notes that you want to stand out. I love including colors in my journals and my bible because colors are fun and exciting to me. You do not have to be like me and have a “gazillion” different color of pens, markers, highlighters and sticky notes. All you need truly is one good writing pen and a highlighter; your pen can even work in place of a highlighter. My favorite highlighters are the MildLiner, the zebra collection. It serves a duo purpose: one end is a highlighter tip and the other a pen/marker tip.
Girl Essentials

Essentials For Your Christian Walk

  1. Mentors
    Mentors are people who are matured in the faith and can help guide you on your journey. They can answer questions you may have related to your faith walk; they can lead you and advise you on your journey because of their maturity in the faith.

  2. Community of friends or like-minded believers
    You will need people in your corner that you can easily call upon in times when you are struggling especially in keeping the faith. And not only that, you can talk to them about the things you are learning in God’s Presence, bible scriptures that encourage you or that you may need other’s input on for clarification.

    It is good to have like-minded believers and /or friends that you can talk discuss scriptures with and just to encourage each other with the word of God. We are not meant to journey through this life alone. We all need supportive people in our circle especially for those times when life’s challenges comes knocking hard on our doors. You need community of friends and like-minded believers that can stand in agreement with you in prayers.

  3. Worship/Praise Music
    This actually falls under both categories: essentials for quiet time and for your life-long spiritual or faith journey with God. Worship is a way we connect with God and show Him the honor and reverence due Him. When we worship, we are acknowledging God as our Creator and Lord over our lives. Worship creates an atmosphere that attracts the Presence of God.

There you have it, my Christian girl or boy, man or woman’s essentials for 2022. Don’t forget that these are by no means what it takes to be a Christian; they are simply the tools that have helped me on my journey thus far, and I believe will be of help to you as well.

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Don’t stop here, click this link to download your free copy of the 14-Days Devotional: Hope in Hopeless Situations and explore our Free Resource page.

Well until next time, remember, keep your hope in God for He loves you unconditionally and has promised to never leave you nor forsake you!

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Posted by Enna

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