Personal Encounters With Jesus

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There is no way you encounter Jesus and not drop everything to follow Him and serve Him. When He steps into our lives, our immediate reaction or response is to leave everything behind and dedicate our life to serving Him and His purpose. That is because when we encounter Him, He shows us Himself. As in, He reveals Himself to us; His nature, His characteristics, His power, and His love. He shows us who He is and what He is all about. And when He reveals Himself to you, there is nothing anyone can say that can convince you to leave Him. It’s like there is this love attraction that pulls you to Him. You just can’t help it. I mean when you look at scriptures, you will see several places where that happened.

However, as I read the book of Luke, in chapter 4:38-39, Jesus went into Simon’s house and his mother-in-law was very sick with a high fever. He heals her, and what does she immediately do? She got up and started serving Him. The scripture says

and she got up at once and prepared a meal for them.

She didn’t even think twice about it. She didn’t say wait let me go see what my family and friends have to say about it. She didn’t seek anyone else’s opinion; nope! She got up and immediately started serving Him. Because she knew exactly how sickly, horrible, weak, and probably close to death she was before Jesus stepped into her life and healed her. She knew exactly how it felt to not know if she would see the end of the day. So she didn’t need anyone to preach to her or convince her to follow Jesus. At that point, she just experienced, personally, the love, compassion, and healing power of God.

Another person we see is Simon Peter in chapter 5. He also encountered Jesus in a profound way that changed his life forever. It was from that encounter that He also decided to drop everything, leave everything behind and follow Jesus. I am sure before that encounter he, Simon Peter had probably heard the news about this “man” who is going around preaching about God and healing people as well but he probably just didn’t really think twice about it. Instead he continued living his life as a fisherman. But when Jesus personally stepped into his life, that all changed.

First, Jesus asked to use his boat to preach to the crowd, which he agreed and afterwards, Jesus rewarded him and his fisherman partners by asking them to cast their nets one more time into the deep. Keep in mind they had been fishing all night and had caught nothing. But this time, in obedience to Jesus’ instruction, he cast his net deeper and caught so much fish that his net began to tear and his friends in the other boat had to come help him out.

First of all, this shows that when you let Jesus use your gifts and talents for the advancement of the Kingdom’s agenda, He will greatly reward you and reward your obedience. But after that encounter, Simon Peter dropped everything, including all the fish he just caught, and followed Jesus. No questions asked, no second guessing, no seeking out other people’s opinions, because this time around, he personally experienced God. He wasn’t hearing someone preach or teach about Him; he wasn’t hearing someone else talk about what Jesus had done, nope! This time, he personally encountered Jesus and that was the turning point of his life. And his friends/partners also dropped everything and followed Jesus as well because they were there, experiencing the same thing Simon Peter did.

I, myself, have also encountered Jesus. When He stepped into my life, my life got a brand new meaning. He transformed my life so much that there was no way that I wouldn’t drop everything to follow Him. All my life, I have always heard Jesus, the gospel, being preached and taught. I grew up in a Christian household and went to church regularly; however, it wasn’t until I encountered Jesus personally that I knew what it truly means to have a relationship with Him and to serve Him. It’s an encounter that I wouldn’t trade for anything. It has changed my life forever and I have dedicated my life to following Jesus and serving Him all the days of my life.

What about you? Have you had an encounter with the Lord personally that has transformed your life? I would love to hear about it! Leave me a comment below or email me.

Remember, keep your hope in God for He loves you unconditionally and has promised to never leave you nor forsake you!

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