Do You Know Your Worth?

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As I sit there thinking to myself what I shall write this week, this question drops in my spirit: do you know your worth? My immediate response is yes, I know my worth. The holy spirit says you think you do but you do not know even a smidgen of your worth in Christ. Last week, I finished reading “the secrets of six-figure women by Barbra Stanny” and one of the underlying views in the book is that women do not believe they are worth it so they do not ask for more money or charge well for their services. This got me thinking.

As humans we define our worth based on what we can do or how we perform, what we have achieved and our status in life as set by the society. As men, our worth is defined by how much money we can make, how beautiful our family is and how high we can advance in the society. As women, our worth is defined by marriage, kids, and sometimes our careers. This is a warped thinking. As children of God, our worth should be and is defined by God alone. Think about it! Your worth isn’t defined by your marriage, your parents, your children, how much you make, your size or even intellectual capabilities; your worth is solely based on the One who made you.

Psalm 139:13 says,

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.”
The Passion Translation (TPT) puts it clearer as it says
“You formed my innermost being. Shaping my delicate insides and my intricate outside and wove them all together in my mother’s womb”.

Do you know how many self-help gurus are out there who are trying to help you understand your worth? They use the world's view of worthiness. I am worth it! I am amazing! I can do it! These people sell out books and arenas because they are telling/tell you what you already know but do not believe. They have realized that once a person knows their worth, they start to understand what they are capable of. These proclamations always fall short from fully reaching your subconscious. Sometimes you start to believe it and then something happens, and you are right back to square one. Has it ever occurred to you to put your self-worth in the One who created you? At least you know this standard cannot be attained by anyone. The bible says you are made in His image and likeness (see Genesis 1:26, 27).

Ephesians 2:10 says

“Instead, we are God's accomplishment, created in Christ Jesus to do good things. God planned for these good things to be the way that we live our lives".
Another version says
“you are the workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto every good work”.
Are you doing good work right now? Or do you believe that you are not worth doing good work? Do you believe you are not worth God’s love? Or his notice? Think about this statement “Your worth isn’t determined by anything you do or have done, it is determined by Christ, most especially who you are in Him”.

Say it constantly until you believe it with all your heart!

I thought this was going to be a simple blog on self-worth, but I was wrong. It is so much more. As a mother of 2 little ladies, I hope to inspire them to know and believe their worth in Christ. I hope to live a life that shows them that a person’s worth is in Christ alone.

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Posted by Lola

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1 Comment

  1. Image

    Loving this. God created me hence I am worth full!!. I pray to live up to God's expectations.

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